xDisciplex AD - No Blood, No Altar Now

11:28 PM Posted by xGeoffx

1) Pray Your Gods
2) So Send I You
3) River Of Life
4) Falling Down
5) Death Of Death
6) Armachristi
7) Two-Faced

My favorite release from this Christian straight edge band from Erie, PA (what's up, Brother's Keeper?).

Sidenote: Listen to Shockwave, whom this band shared members with. Gotta love Transformers-influenced hardcore being played by dudes in ski masks.


- Geoff

Refused - "The Slayer" Rehearsal

4:03 PM Posted by xGeoffx

Refused was a band that seemed incredibly ahead of their time. I came across this video and although it's short, it catches a glimpse of how good this band really was. The Songs to Fan the Flames LP gets a lot of play at my house, as does this song, specifically. Best song.

Being from Georgia, I always get a laugh out of the fact that Refused decided to break-up after playing the Masquerade in Atlanta. It's too bad that this occured while I was a pre-teen in the 90s. I would have killed to see this band play. The last show story/footage is incredible, and I find myself getting chills when I hear the crowd yell "rather be alive!" in front of the police in a cramped, sweaty basement. How badass is that?

- Geoff

Spineless - Painfields 7"

4:56 PM Posted by xGeoffx

1) The Key
2) Painfields
3) Human Disgrace
4) Eclipse of Hate

Spineless was a Belgian hardcore band that was included in the infamous group of H8000 bands. Metallic 90's hardcore for fans of Morning Again.


- Geoff

Arkangel - Prayers Upon Deaf Ears

4:44 PM Posted by xGeoffx

1) Within Walls of Babylon
2) One Standard, One Ethic
3) Built Upon The Graves
4) In The Embrace of Truth
5) Day of Apocalypse
6) Evilization

This is the first record that Arkangel put out, a Belgian metalcore band that started in '97. I don't know a lot about the past of this band, but this cd rules. Good lord, this is loud.


- Geoff

Outspoken - A Light in the Dark

10:50 PM Posted by xGeoffx

1) A Light In The Dark
2) Is Beauty A Crime?
3) Daydream
4) Burning
5) Outside My Window
6) This Human Machine
7) My Heart Still Beats
8) Lifetime
9) Prisoner
10) Reinforced
11) Start To Live
12) Someday
13) Survival

A Light in the Dark was Outspoken's first and only LP, I believe. This came out soon after the Survival 7" in the early 1990's. Outspoken was only around for several years, but they made a huge impact on the hardcore scene at the time. Great band, great lyrics, and I can't emphasize either statement enough. The Current 7" (which is posted on this blog) is amazing too, so get that as well.

'Despite the rest, I'll hold onto what makes me who I am and what makes me who I will be.'


- Geoff

Modern Life Is War/Kill Your Idols Split

8:57 PM Posted by xGeoffx

1) Modern Life Is War- Late Bloomers
2) Modern Life Is War- Nervous Breakdown (Black Flag Cover)
3) Kill Your Idols- Fur Is For Fucks

This split EP was recorded live on some radio station, I forget which. Although Modern Life Is War's side does sound good a live recording will never be able to capture the energy of one of their shows. The Kill Your Idols side sounds good too, I just don't really listen them.

